Using a Birth Ball in Labor
/Doulas love exercise balls... though we call them birth balls! Check out this video of Doulas of Philadelphia founder, Lee McClenon, showing some tips for how to use a birth ball in labor.
Lee said, "It was tough to keep this video short. There are so many cool things to say about using a birth ball. I probably could have talked for an hour if they would have let me, haha! They're a fantastic tool for staying comfortable in labor".
Here are some of the reasons that Doulas of Philadelphia loves birth balls:
-Help balance the ligaments, tendons, and muscles in the pelvic area
-During labor, movement may coax baby into a better position
-Helps strengthen the lower back
-Helps to open the pelvis
-May support an easier, shorter labor
-May reduce pain during labor
-Great place to rest, off your feet
-Can relieve back pain and back labor
-Reduce stress and anxiety
Plus, they're fun!
All of our birth doulas are experts in teaching and using a whole range of comfort techniques for helping you feel calm and confident throughout your birth experience. From massage and positioning, to breathing and relaxation, we have tools that can help you have a calm and confident birth experience.