How to Survive the Final Weeks of Pregnancy


You’ve made it to the final weeks of pregnancy! You’re in the home stretch!

And you’re miserable.

You want to be gracious and patient but you’re exhausted. You feel like a house, or maybe an apartment building. You’re hot. Your feet are swollen. You have heartburn. You can’t get comfortable no matter what you do. You’re just done.

40 weeks doesn’t sound like a very long time until you’re pregnant. It’s amazing how slowly the last few weeks of pregnancy can drag on!

Sometimes our clients need more support to keep up morale and stamina in the final weeks of pregnancy than they do during labor! So these are our favorite tips to keep you from curling up into a ball and hiding under the covers until your baby is born.

1.     Mentally prepare yourself for a 40-week pregnancy (at least!).

Do not even let yourself fantasize about having your baby before your due date. It will be a lot less difficult to waddle through those last few weeks if you haven't been harboring hopes of holding your baby at 36 weeks. Even if you gave birth earlier in your previous pregnancy, plan for a full term pregnancy this time!

2.     Don’t put your life on hold.

Keep making plans and getting out and doing things. The last weeks of pregnancy will feel a lot longer if you're just waiting at home for labor to start. Keep accepting invites, attending social gatherings, and making plans.

3.     Are you really ready for your baby?

Make sure you’ve finished up all the pre-baby to-dos! If you have anything that’s weighing on your mind, get it done!

4.     Stock up on freezer meals.

Fill your freezer with meals and snacks. Invite a friend to split the bill and double up! Then you can both have a fully stocked freezer and it is a fun way to hang out and take your mind off of things. 

5.     Enjoy your older children OR get lots of rest.

It isn’t always easy to do both. If you have children enjoy this time with them before you’re busy with the new baby. If you can, get extra naps in and sleep in on the weekend as much as your bladder and backache allow. 

6.     Pamper yourself.

Seriously, this is the number one tip. In the last weeks of pregnancy, treat yourself like royalty as much as you can. There’s no better reason to get a massage than having created an entire human! See a prenatal massage therapist, get your hair done, nails done, waxing done. A pedicure can be wonderfully rejuvenating for your tired feet. Or try a float spa to take the weight off your body.

Pregnancy is difficult, physically and emotionally. It wears on you no matter how grateful you are. Do your best to trust your baby and your body and persevere through those final weeks leading up to your due date! You're almost done!