Doulas of Philadelphia


What we Believe

While we are experts on supporting people through birth and welcoming their babies, you are the expert on your birth and your babies. Because of that, listening is one of the best tools a doula has.

Babies flourish with attention and love. We believe a person's marital status, class, race, gender, sexuality, age, nationality, ability or biological relation to their child has very little to say about their ability to be a fantastic, loving, attentive parent. 

It is undeniable that this country has a long way to come in supporting families. For the sake of our children, our future, and our collective wellbeing, we all have a responsibility to do more. In addition to supporting families directly, Doulas of Philadelphia will work to promote positive changes in how families of all kinds are cared for during the family building years by our society and nation.

We doula in part because we believe that supported parents make confident parents, confident parents make strong families, and strong families make a better world. Ultimately, we believe in you!

We are looking forward to supporting you through your journey.

-Doulas of Philadelphia